What is elm development?

What is elm development?

ELM is a functional language compiled by JavaScript and is used for great websites and web applications. One of the biggest features of ELM is to build a robust system and a compiler to help you during development. This functional programming language is simple to understand and maintain.

ELM is a framework and typed functional programming language aimed at the front-end development of web browser-based graphical user interfaces and GUIs. While ELM is a reactive, strongly-typed web client language, the compiler targets JavaScript along with HTML and CSS. It is not a JavaScript library or framework; it is entirely focused on robustness, usability, and performance.

What Elm Offers That Other Popular Domain-Specific Programming Languages Don’t?

ELM is a pure programming language used by developers to build complex web applications while the compiler gives plenty of guarantees about their stability. There are certain important features expected from ELM which cannot be found in any other popular domain-specific programming languages and they are:

Server-Side Rendering: The process of sending HTML with the initial response

Code Splitting: Dividing code into smaller chunks for better caching

Lazy Loading: Sending the small chunks of code needed for a particular page

Tree Shaking: Eliminating unnecessary or unused code (called dead-code)

Make your web front-end efficient and reliable with elm.js

Elm is a simple, domain-specific, strongly-typed, completely functional language used to develop the client side of web applications resulting in increased performance. The compiler goes farther than tools like React.js by offering more informative compiler errors—Elm's vigilant compiler results in straightforward and dependable applications to maintain.

Some certain important properties and benefits that differentiate Elm.js from plain JavaScript and they are:

Make your web front-end efficient and reliable with elm.js
  • Strong Static Types: Easily finding errors with readable compiler messages

  • Reactive By Design: Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is baked right in Elm.js and isn’t opt-in

  • Immutability and Purity: It is easily maintainable and readable

  • No Runtime Exceptions: Elm.js enforces the use of a single immutable value to represent the state of the user interface. You will not see runtime errors in practice

  • No Undefined or Null: It is impossible to leave possible problems unhandled

  • Compiles to JavaScript: Elm writes both business logic and presentational code, combining the advantages of HTML and JavaScript

Why is elm an excellent choice for your next project?

  • Easy To Learn

    Easy To Learn

    Elm has a steep learning curve and comes with tons of guides, tips, books, FAQs, and friendly developers’ community. Elm.js is easy to get into an existing project even if you have no prior experience with purely functional languages.

  • JavaScript Interoperability via Ports

    JavaScript Interoperability via Ports

    When you get started with Elm.js, you will become increasingly eager to avoid the hectic world of JavaScript. However, if you have already started developing your application with a JavaScript solution, it isn’t advisable to rewrite it in Elm.js. Elm is a great tool to integrate JavaScript code using ports but not every task can be completed but can be made possible with other interoperability tools.

  • Progressive Web Applications

    Progressive Web Applications

    Elm Virtual DOM is more lightweight when compared to React.js’ Virtual DOM. The bundle size of Elm.js is significantly smaller which will make the rendering of the first elements faster on any page, on any device, and in any web browser.

  • Enforced Semantics

    Enforced Semantics

    There is built-in functionality that states that if the code is not compiled, it will not run. Elm is always on guard of checking and protecting your production workflow if something has been changed in a package that the project depends on. You will receive a warning message about the incompatibilities if the version number is updated.

  • Speed


    Elm is not mutagenic as it is composed of constants, enabling it to produce HTML quickly. It outperforms Angular, Ember, and React in terms of performance because of the presence of the Virtual DOM. The Virtual DOM enables rapid updating of the elements that require modification without requiring the entire page to be re-rendered, which speeds up Elm.js.