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Exploring the UI UX Universe: Different Types of User Interface

Aug, 2022

There are several different types of user interface in UI UX universe. We are going to discuss each of them in this article in detail.

The User Interface (UI) is how people and computers interact; it comprises data generated from the machine and control elements that allow the user to conduct certain tasks. These interactions result in an efficient system in which machines assist the user's decision-making process and operate it efficiently. When designing the UI, the goal is to make it self-explanatory and user-friendly, allowing users to accomplish their objectives rapidly.


Due to many businesses' rising reliance on the web and mobile applications, the need of designing strong user interfaces has increased. This article will examine the many types of user interfaces and their associated advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, we'll discuss the interaction between users and various sorts of interfaces to assist you in determining when to utilize a particular form of UI.

Following are the types of user interface we are gonna discuss in this article:

  • Graphical User Interface
  • Touchscreen Graphical User Interface
  • Menu-Driven Interface
  • Command Line Interface
  • Conversational UI 

Integrated Graphical User Interface


  • Appropriate for nontechnical users
  • Users are unaware of the complexity of tasks, which is enhanced by attractive graphics.
  • Visual feedback is instantaneous; it is based on models and visuals from the real world; it enables many input devices.


  • Requires processing power and memory
  • Possibility of poor discoverability
  • Could easily overwhelm users with the increasing number of control components
  • Hidden commands must be searched deliberately.


These types of user interface is challenging. This UI frequently includes several menus and other GUI-specific aspects, such as keyboard and mouse interactions.

It operates swiftly and reliably, consume an appropriate amount of system resources, have most elements that are understandable to new users, and meet various additional requirements. It have a comprehensive handbook that details the program's functions, such as which menu item links to which location

Beneficial tips for using these types of User Interface:

  • Menu items and button icons have tooltips.
  • A worldwide search for functions and configuration options
  • Separation of software functions via various menu kinds (pop-up menu with a right-click, quick-access buttons, drop-down menu).

Numerous resources on the subject provide tried and effective procedures, so you do not need to invent everything from the start.

Touchscreen Graphical User Interface

Users must interact with the device using their fingertips when using the Touchscreen Graphical User Interface. It has become a popular choice as a result of the rise of portable gadgets. When you look at practically everything on your phone or tablet, you come across touchscreen graphical user interfaces. Users can choose from various pointing actions, including length of motion, direction change, velocity change, lack of motion, path start and finish locations, pointing, tapping, looping, and time-based motions.


The primary distinctions from conventional graphical user interfaces are the support for swiping, hold click (typically analogous to the right mouse click), and some additional features such as a two-finger-tap motion to zoom/rotate an object.


  • Simpler and faster than using a mouse or typing
  • Eliminates the need for external devices such as a keyboard or mouse
  • Possibility of incorporating a variety of motion actions
  • Suitable for toddlers and the elderly
  • Zoom-in motions aid in the accessibility of visually challenged individuals.
  • Adaptable to a broad spectrum of devices


  • The dimensions of the mobile display constrain the size of control elements.
  • Additional motions may be difficult to detect and may be generated unintentionally by stray touches


The Touchscreen Graphical User Interface can be utilized in various ways, except for requiring users to type a large amount of text. Utilize UI elements such as drop-down selectors and bullet-selectors, switches, and others that behave similarly to buttons.

Scaling correctly is also critical. On larger monitors, UI elements should not appear gargantuan; users should comfortably push the buttons on smaller devices. Ensure that buttons are evenly spaced to prevent accidental clicks. Finally, use touch-related design patterns such as swipe-to-delete or a left-swipe menu shortcut.

Menu-Based User Interface

The menu-driven interface is comprised of several screens, or "menus." When a user taps/clicks on a list format or graphic, the user is taken to the next menu screen until the desired conclusion is achieved.

Consider the settings menu on your phone as an example. All that is possible is to browse through the menu and tap on items; no other interaction is possible. As a result, it is employed in applications that require a small, well-defined, and consistent collection of functions. You may group them all under subheadings such as "Camera Settings," "Display Settings," and so on.


  • Convenient for amateurs
  • Users face little cognitive load
  • A consistent user interface across multiple platforms
  • You are responsible for organizing and categorizing user paths.
  • Increased authority over user interactions
  • Simple to integrate into a variety of devices


  • Menu selections are limited.
  • Submenus may be difficult to locate.
  • There is a risk of taking up too much screen space or being too small. There are also risks of requiring additional actions for a basic task.


Due to its constraints, menus are an extremely intuitive interface. You can browse completely through the top to get a sense of what is available. However, this is what is theoretically possible to construct.

In practice, it is possible to make a mistake. You may design a menu with headers such as Settings, Parameters, Tools, and Customization, which will be completely useless to consumers. There is no indication of what a heading accomplishes or why four distinct ones are required for what appears to be the same operation.

The menu interface should be well-thought-out so that the titles make sense. Otherwise, the user experience will suffer, and you will force customers to navigate through all menu items to select the correct one.

Interface Command-Line

A Command Line Interface(CLI) is a text-based user interface for low-level interaction with a personal computer. By and large, this style of menu is not designed for the typical user. It is primarily utilized while interacting with cloud services or doing system administrator duties.

Numerous products and services include a CLI in addition to a graphical user interface to ease task automation. When interacting with bots or communicating across programs, pressing buttons in the graphical interface may be problematic. It is far more convenient to ask the computer to execute a particular console command.

A common example of CLI is a terminal window on any operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).


  • Compared to other forms of user interfaces, this one is faster.
  • CPU processing requirements are reduced.
  • Utilizes a screen with a lower resolution
  • Scalable in size Possibility of combining repetitious activities into a single command
  • Capability to initiate cross-application contacts to carry out complex tasks


  • Requires expertise and knowledge of programming.
  • Errors occur as a result of typographical errors in command syntax.
  • Generally, it only accepts keyboard input.
  • Not obvious – necessitates reading the handbook before use


When developing a command-line interface, keep your target audience in mind – individuals with some experience dealing with the console. Programmers, system administrators, and frequent users of Unix-based systems comprise the target audience.

Even experienced users, however, will want some assistance to utilize the program. Because the command-line interface is regarded as the least intuitive user interface, ensure that your console commands include manuals and instructions. For example, you can access the command manually on Linux systems by invoking it with the –h or –help option.

Additionally, it is critical to provide proper error management. The program should output an error message if the user provides the command with inadequate parameters or commits a syntax error. The notification should include sufficient information to pinpoint the location of the error and provide a manual reference with an example of how it should be utilized.

UI that converses

While most modern technology is visual, conversational UI uses words and language-based communication, which are just as useful, if not more so. Users can communicate with computers using conversational UIs by simply telling them what to do. It can be vocal or voice-activated (like Siri or Alexa are) or typed (like chatbots). To use the first type, the software must support voice recognition.

Depending on the intricacy of the tool, it may accept more organized input such as "remind me later" or more simple queries such as "I need sugar to make coffee for group of 5 people"

The invention of this technology enabled users to converse with their gadgets in a human-like manner rather than utilizing computer-specific terminology. This interface is equipped with learning and self-teaching capabilities, which make it more useful as time passes.


  • Applications are numerous.
  • There is no requirement to acquire new skills.
  • The voice imparts a sense of realism.
  • Personalizes interactions with users
  • Responds contextually to establish interactions
  • Adapts to the speaker's gender, tone, accent, and tempo
  • It can be combined with pre-existing applications


  • Visual and textual cues are scarce.
  • It may be difficult to articulate commands.


You want to avoid any dead ends in the dialogue. Otherwise, the user may become disheartened due to their incapacity to run the software, or they may become frustrated that the developers did not account for all possible outcomes of the dialogue. They are less likely to use the service again in either circumstance.

Keep messages brief. Even if you're tempted to respond exhaustively, you run the risk of overwhelming your users. Establish a system of turn-taking that will allow the talk to flow smoothly.

Utilize the tone and personality features of the UI in the words and actions. Indirect characterization increases the user-friendliness of the interface because human beings are predisposed to assign personas.


There are many types of user interface but a good user interface should be simple, intuitive in navigation, allow users to experiment with different options, be visually appealing, use appropriate colors for critical places, and include help documentation.

To make the best choice from different types of user interface, examine what your users require and what would streamline your application's processes. Additionally, consider what your consumers will find most comfortable. For some, it may be syntax-specific commands or clicking icons, while others will find that speaking with a computer is the most convenient method of engagement.

Numerous developers make the error of developing applications that are purely technological without any social component. On the other hand, conversational types of user interface allows the user to interact with the machine in human terms. The Alan Voice platform is designed to assisting you in rapidly integrating a conversational experience into your apps depending on your unique requirements.

If you have an Innovative idea in software development, Hombolt is the way to go.

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